We Have Closed Down!
Unfortunately, the Real People Competition page has now closed down due to no longer being a publication. Don't worry, we have lots of other competitions you can still enter on our other Hearst publications!
Good Housekeeping: https://comps.goodhousekeeping.co.uk/
Men's Health: https://comps.menshealth.co.uk/
Women's Health: https://comps.womenshealthmag.co.uk/
Prima Magazine: https://comps.prima.co.uk/
Cosmopolitan: https://comps.cosmopolitan.co.uk/index
House beautiful: https://comps.housebeautiful.co.uk/
Country Living: https://comps.countryliving.co.uk/
RED: https://comps.redonline.co.uk/
Runner World: https://comps.runnersworld.co.uk/
Digital Spy: https://comps.digitalspy.com/